My boutique studio is baby-friendly!
As I have a little one myself, I have lots of toys available to engage your child and I am happy to babywear throughout the class so you can focus on your body.

We address your postural changes during and after birth, and give you a full body workout that will leave you feeling taller, stronger and more supported.
Pelvic floor engagement and release is a big focus for us. Learning the function and activation of these muscles will not only help throughout pregnancy in supporting your growing baby, they are also very important in post-birth recovery.
How it works
As a first step to working together, we’ll begin with an introductory session. This is designed to assess areas of weakness or injury, and to fully understand your goals. You’ll also be introduced to the principles of pilates and learn some of the foundation exercises.
After the first session, most of my clients continue to work with me on a regular weekly schedule to feel the very best results. Our regular sessions will continue to build upon one another: Each week, we’ll explore and address proper bio-mechanics, get you moving safely, and strengthen and condition your body. The exercises are always customized to meet your needs and will challenge you in a supported and gentle way.

We address your postural changes during and after birth, and give you a full body workout that will leave you feeling taller, stronger and more supported.
Pelvic floor engagement and release is a big focus for us. Learning the function and activation of these muscles will not only help throughout pregnancy in supporting your growing baby, they are also very important in post-birth recovery.
How it works
As a first step to working together, we’ll begin with an introductory session. This is designed to assess areas of weakness or injury, and to fully understand your goals. You’ll also be introduced to the principles of pilates and learn some of the foundation exercises.
After the first session, most of my clients continue to work with me on a regular weekly schedule to feel the very best results. Our regular sessions will continue to build upon one another: Each week, we’ll explore and address proper bio-mechanics, get you moving safely, and strengthen and condition your body. The exercises are always customized to meet your needs and will challenge you in a supported and gentle way.
Reason for Coming to Pilates
Clare was a physio referral to address neck pain. She also has an S-curve scoliosis. When I started working with Clare, we were preparing for her wedding, as she wanted to stand tall in pictures. I have since seen Clare through her pregnancy and now I see her post-partum.
Course of Action
To address the neck pain, we looked at thoracic spine mobility and shoulder blade movement. Once we were able to bring some more freedom to these areas, the muscles were able to work more efficiently and relieved Clare of pain.
We focused on a lot of unilateral movement to balance her torso. While we cannot change the structure of the scoliosis, we worked to build a better muscular support system.
We continued this work once Clare was pregnant, delving more deeply into pelvic floor health, activation and release. This gave her a strong foundation for carrying her little girl. Post-partum, we addressed more pelvic floor work, as well as upper body work as she was becoming more rounded due to feedings, diaper changes and holding her baby.
Success Story
Clare works very hard during her Pilates sessions and that work has paid off. Her wedding photos are exactly what she wanted- she is standing tall and you would never know she has a scoliosis. She carried her baby beautifully throughout her pregnancy and her delivery went very well. Post-Partum, Clare is recovering well. She is getting stronger and we are working at keeping her out of old habits by continuing to be specific in her movement and posture.