Rebalance Pilates Blog and Newsletter

Brand New Collection on Rebalance Pilates at Home: Prenatal and Postpartum Pilates
Brand New Collection Launching on Rebalance Pilates at Home: Prenatal and Postpartum PilatesToday I am launching a brand new Pilates Collection: the Prenatal and Postpartum Pilates Collection! During my pregnancy, I filmed many New to Pilates and Restorative videos...

Rebalance Pilates at Home turns One Year Old!
Rebalance Pilates turns One Year Old!Last year, on July 6 2020, I launched Rebalance Pilates at Home. We are officially One Year Old! Thank you so much for all your support over this past year. Last year, like many others in my line of work, I learned how to pivot....

Working with the International Labour Organization in Myanmar
Working with the International Labour Organization in MyanmarA few weeks ago, an old school friend reached out to me asking if I would teach her work team Pilates. It's not unusual to teach corporate classes. Businesses and organizations often reach out to Yoga and...

Welcome Meghan to Rebalance Pilates at Home
Welcome Meghan to Rebalance Pilates at HomeWhen I started Rebalance Pilates at Home, I had no expectations of how it was going to grow. I focused on making good and informative content. Content that would help subscribers meet their personal movement goals and feel...

Physiotherapy and Pilates collaboration
Physiotherapy and Pilates CollaborationWhen I decided I wanted to focus my Pilates trianing on working with an injured population, I sought out Physiotherapy clinics; to make connections, to learn from them and to work alongside them. I have a huge amount of respect...

give the gift of movement
Give the Gift of MovementI love window shopping. The browsing, thinking of my friends and families personalities and interests, in search for the perfect gift. I am one of those people who doesn't know what to get someone until I see it, and when I see it, I KNOW it...

5-day Pilates challenge available for all
5-Day Pilates Challenge Available for AllBack in September I launched the 5-Day Kick Start your Fall Pilates Challenge. The challenge was designed to help participants experience Pilates and to get back on track with their fitness and movement routine as we came out...

weekly Pilates schedule
New weekly Pilates scheduleWhy do we work with personal trainers? To help guide us through exercises, motivate us, and keep us accountable in our movement and fitness goals. Le'ts explore this. It can be hard to know or feel what your body is doing in space; the...

why is repetition important
Why repetition is so important If you have been taking my classes, you'll have noticed I have some go-to exercises. There are a few of reasons why I always include them: 1) they are specific to strengthening a particular muscle group 2) they are functional...

Pilates inner thighs
Why are the inner thighs so important?In Pilates, we spend a lot of time focusing on the muscles surrounding and supporting the pelvis and spine. The pelvis and the spine are obviously very important for posture and weight distribution while walking (ie. balance) and...

Pilates for Breast Cancer Recovery
Breast Cancer Recovery and PilatesOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer found in women. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, it is estimated that in 2020: 27,400 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. This...

New Pilates Subscription
New Rebalance Pilates at Home Subscription plus Live ClassAre you craving human connection right now in your workouts? I am. More than ever. And as someone who works with bodies in front of them, finding the nuances of movements with clients, laughing together,...

express Pilates
Introducing Express PilatesAt Rebalance Pilates, I am always looking for new ways to keep you engaged, challenged and excited about your Pilates workouts. As we get into the Fall season and begin to fill our schedules again, workouts tend to get pushed to the side....

Rebalance Pilates at Home
How to navigate Rebalance Pilates at HomeI've gotten questions on how to best navigate the content on Rebalance Pilates at Home. There is a wide variety of content on the streaming site ranging from foundational videos to various levels of Pilates workouts...

Free Pilates Challenge
Rebalance Pilates Kick Start your Fall ChallengeI always think of Fall as the beginning of the year. I know, January 1 blah blah blah, but to me September always feels like it is a new start, a new year. Maybe it's because I equate it with the school year starting....

Pilates Bundles
Rebalance Pilates Bundle PackagesThere are many paths to Pilates. Maybe your physio told you to do it because it helps reduce back pain, or you are looking for something new to add to your workout and you heard Pilates is great for core and glute activation. Maybe you...

Humbling Pilates movement
A very humbling modality Six weeks in to training as a Pilates instructor, I took a class where I was introduced to the squishy ball (a soft rubbery ball used to throw the body off balance in Pilates work). I thought to myself , "I have been doing so much...

Pilates Interval Training
What is Pilates Interval Training? I love Pilates. It is versatile and resonates with a wide and varied audience. Pilates also offers a lot of creativity to the instructor, with exercises easily modified, or built upon with the addition of a prop or a piece of...

The Pilates Hundreds
The Pilates HundredsThe Pilates Hundreds is an iconic Pilates exercise, one of Jospeh Pilates originals, to be precise. A flat, imprinted back against the mat, legs hovering above the floor, upper abs curled to lift the head and shoulders and finally, pumping the...

Finding balance at the root
Finding balance at the root, our feetDid you know there are 26 bones, 33 joints and over 200,000 nerve endings in the foot? Did you know there are also several fascial lines that connect at the base of the foot? Our feet are incredibly dynamic structures and how we...

Introduction to Pilates
An Introduction to Pilates At first glance, Pilates can look intimidating. The equipment looks like something out of a S&M dungeon and we talk about strange things like pelvic floor and transversus abdominus. But once you take a class, you come to realize that...

Movement is medicine
Using movement to heal "Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states." – Carol Welch I am a big believer that movement is medicine. Not just what movement does for our mental state (be it walking, dancing, Pilates or...

Pilates for core
Intermediate Pilates: Full Body ExtravaganzaPilates is best known for working the deepest muscles of the body. Finding that deep engagement benefits us in numerous ways, from better posture to less pain. In this Intermediate class, we start with the low abdominals and...